Food allergies to milk and gluten

Food allergies to milk and gluten

Aleksandra Uruszczak-Wąsowicz (MPharm)

Very frequent infants as well as adults are allergic to milk allergies (cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk) and gluten .
The allergens are cow’s milk proteins. Cow’s milk proteins allergies appears in infants when the allergens get into the mother’s milk, and after the breastfeeding period when the child starts eating different food, e.g. cow’s milk.
Milk allergy symptoms:
dermal: skin rash, itch, redness,
digestive: diarrhoea, flatulence, colic, sickness, reflux in infants.
The best way of treating a milk allergy is avoiding eating milk and its associated products (butter, cream, cake and others).
Gluten allergy (celiac disease) is a disease in which the body can’t tolerate gluten. The effect is the creation of antibodies and immunological attack response to gluten in the digestive system. This condition causes the malfunction of the digestive system which makes the absorption of nutrients more difficult.
The only way to treat this intolerance to gluten is to adhere to a gluten free diet during your entire life. This is challenging because gluten (proteins of wheat, barley, rye) is a substance in everyday use.
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