How to read a pollen calendar

How to read a pollen calendar

Aleksandra Uruszczak-Wąsowicz (MPharm)

Pollens from plants (flowers, trees, grass) are popular allergens. Pollen allergies appear especially in spring and summer. Pollen allergy symptoms are: allergic rhinitis (runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion), allergic conjunctivitis, general malaise, sometimes also attacks of breathlessness.
Pollen allergy is a seasonal disease. The best way to treat it is to avoid contact with pollens. In order to make it easier pollen calendars have been prepared.
A pollen calendar shows the level of concentration of different pollens in the air for every region and in every month of the year. We can check the level of pollen concentration in the air in the pollen calendar (referencing the attached key) . Different signs on the calendar also indicate what is the risk of allergy symptoms appearing. If pollen concentration is average or high – we can probably think of taking anti-allergic drugs to combat the symptoms. If it is low or there is lack of pollen – we don’t have to be afraid of allergies.
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