How to recognise allergy symptoms

How to recognise allergy symptoms

Aleksandra Uruszczak-Wąsowicz (MPharm)

Allergy symptoms depend on the type of allergy we have. The most frequent allergy – contact allergy gives a reaction almost immediately after contact with the allergen.
The most frequent allergy symptoms are:
dermal: urticaria (hives), skin rash – especially in places which are the point of contact with the allergen, part of the body where the skin is thin e.g. in the spaces between the fingers, intensive itching, oedema, blisters full of liquid, redness
respiratory system: intensive, watery rhinitis with attacks of sneezing (repeated) breathlessness, dry cough – asthma
digestive system: flatulence, pain, a bloated feeling
ocular: lachrymation, itchy eyes, allergic conjunctivitis
others: tiredness, general malaise, irritability, headache, itchy palate and ears
Anaphylactic shock is the most dangerous allergy manifestation which can even cause death. Its symptoms are: loss of consciousness, breathlessness, vomiting, low blood pressure, weakened pulse.
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