Shark cartilage for strengthening the  body

Shark cartilage for strengthening the body

Aleksandra Uruszczak-Wąsowicz (MPharm)

Shark cartilage can have a positive influence on the human body as it strengthens the natural defences and can be used in a preventative manner as well as when one is ill.
According to research some sharks do not suffer from cancer. That’s why scientists are interested in sharks and their potential use in curing people. It is proven that shark cartilage can block angiogenesis which is the creation of blood vessels within a growing tumour. Additionally, shark cartilage acts in an anti-inflammatory manner and probably also boosts the body’s immune system.
Products containing shark cartilage can be used only as a supplement to therapy for treating some diseases, e.g. skeletal and joint system diseases. In the case of cancer, supplementing treatment by using shark cartilage should be consulted with a doctor first.
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