Influenza in pregnancy is quite a frequent infection due to the reduced immunity of the mother-to-be in this period. Therefore, if you notice that you have a strong headache and a rapidly growing fever - apart from the typical symptoms of the common cold (cough, rhinitis), firstly, do not panic! Try to overcome the developing infection.
When you feel bad go to bed. Try to rest and sleep as much as possible. Drink a lot of warm beverages and keep to a light diet, rich in fruit and vegetables in order to supply your body with valuable vitamins and minerals.
If you have a strong headache, muscle pain or your temperature grows rapidly, you can use paracetamol – a painkiller and an anti-fever medication which will kill the pain and the fever. Lime tea will also be effective for fever – they make one sweat, which lowers the fever and prevents shivering.
Remember that using other medications without consulting a physician during pregnancy is inadvisable. If the symptoms (fever, in particular) become acute despite using safe medications - consult a physician.