Sinus - types (jaw, paranasal sinuses, etc)
We can distinguish five kinds of sinuses: paranasal, jaw, frontal, sphenoidal and ethmoid. They are located within the face in different areas. Are all of them equally important?
What are sinuses?
The sinuses are the so-called pneumatic spaces (filled with compressed air) located in the bony part of the face. »
What are sinuses?
The sinuses are the so-called pneumatic spaces (filled with compressed air) located in the bony part of the face. »
Sinus inflammation (chronic sinus inflammation)
Sinus inflammation (sinusitis) is a recurring problem that can have serious consequences if not treated properly. What is sinus inflammation? What are the symptoms?
Sinus inflammation – divisions according to sinus type
What we mean by sinus inflammation is the presence of inflamed membranes in any paranasal sinus. The paranasal sinuses include: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoidal and jaw sinuses. »
Sinus inflammation – divisions according to sinus type
What we mean by sinus inflammation is the presence of inflamed membranes in any paranasal sinus. The paranasal sinuses include: frontal, ethmoid, sphenoidal and jaw sinuses. »
Sinus puncture vs. balloon sinuplasty - what are the differences
What is sinus puncture? What is a balloon sinuplasty? What is the purpose of these procedures? How can they help with sinus conditions?
Sinus puncture
Sinus puncture is an operation performed in a laryngological surgery. The goal of this procedure is to remove pus that has accumulated in the sinuses. We puncture the maxillary, frontal and sphenoidal sinuses. »
Sinus puncture
Sinus puncture is an operation performed in a laryngological surgery. The goal of this procedure is to remove pus that has accumulated in the sinuses. We puncture the maxillary, frontal and sphenoidal sinuses. »
Sinus treatments - antibiotics for congested sinuses
Sinus treatment doesn’t always involve a course of antibiotics. When should a doctor prescribe antibiotics, and when should he not?
Antibiotics are well known drugs that are not always correctly prescribed for the type of infection they can effectively treat. The therapeutic effect of antibiotics is observed only in cases of bacterial infection. »
Antibiotics are well known drugs that are not always correctly prescribed for the type of infection they can effectively treat. The therapeutic effect of antibiotics is observed only in cases of bacterial infection. »
Sinus problems- treatment (pills or soluble powders for sinuses)
How can we cure sinus conditions? Should you use medication in the form of pills or soluble powders? Or maybe a better solution is a nasal spray?
Sinus conditions – treatment
The kind of treatment should depend on the cause of the sinus inflammation. You have to remember that the inflammation is not always caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, but it can also be a result of an allergy.
Sinus inflammation – self-treatment
Probably you often try to “heal” the affected sinuses yourself. »
Sinus conditions – treatment
The kind of treatment should depend on the cause of the sinus inflammation. You have to remember that the inflammation is not always caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, but it can also be a result of an allergy.
Sinus inflammation – self-treatment
Probably you often try to “heal” the affected sinuses yourself. »
Sinus pain - home remedies
As a matter of fact there is a home treatment for every ailment. Their effectiveness is a dilemma for many doctors. Usually, there is no direct confirmation of their success or otherwise, but at the same time, patients regard them as the ideal solution. »
Sinus headaches - do inhalations help
Sinus pain can often be mistaken for a headache. If this pain intensifies when tilting your head and your nose becomes blocked you can assume that the sinuses are the cause of the pain. Can you alleviate the pain by using inhalations?
Sinus pain
Sinus pain is very typical. »
Sinus pain
Sinus pain is very typical. »
Lung cancer - causes and symptoms
Lung cancer, also called cancer of the bronchi is an extremely common type of cancer and quite often results in death. Both women and men are at risk – usually middle aged or elderly.
The development of lung cancer is caused by many factors. »
The development of lung cancer is caused by many factors. »
Treatment of pneumonia
Frequently pneumonia is a bacterial disease caused by pneumococcus. Due to its severe course and the risk of serious complications, it is absolutely essential to consult a doctor as quickly as possible and start the proper pharmacological treatment necessary to get back to full health.
The treatment for pneumonia is mostly based on a course of:
Antibiotics – usually medication with a wide spectrum is prescribed, i. »
The treatment for pneumonia is mostly based on a course of:
Antibiotics – usually medication with a wide spectrum is prescribed, i. »
What are the most frequent symptoms of pneumonia
Pneumonia is a serious condition of the lower respiratory tract and is most often caused by a bacterial infection (usually, by a pneumococcus), and less often by a viral infection. Do you know that this infection can develop from an untreated flu or from complications arising after a serious cold?
Because pneumonia can be endanger your health and life, it is extremely important to be able to recognise its characteristic symptoms. Consequently, when you get pneumonia you will be able to recognise its symptoms quickly and immediately consult your doctor. »
Because pneumonia can be endanger your health and life, it is extremely important to be able to recognise its characteristic symptoms. Consequently, when you get pneumonia you will be able to recognise its symptoms quickly and immediately consult your doctor. »
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