dry and wet cough

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What is an effective treatment for influenza
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What is an effective treatment for influenza

 When you suspect you have influenza, it is extremely important to start treatment quickly. Many people wonder why the usual anti-viral medications, which target the causes of disorders, are not commonly used in treating influenza. Instead, multi-component medications for the common cold and influenza are used. »
How to relieve a cough during pregnancy
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How to relieve a cough during pregnancy

 In the autumn – winter period it is especially easy to catch the well-known common cold, a frequent symptom of which is a persistent cough. However, when you are pregnant, even an ordinary cough can become a serious problem.

Even when pregnant, you can still effectively relieve a persistent cough using proven home remedies.

How to recognise an allergic cough
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How to recognise an allergic cough

 A cough is without doubt a burdensome and unpleasant trouble. If it is one of the symptoms of the common cold and passes quickly, it should not be a cause for concern. On the other hand, a recurring, chronic cough both in children and adults can be one of the first symptoms of an allergy. »
Home remedies for treating a cough
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Home remedies for treating a cough

 When you catch an infection of the upper respiratory tract, a persistent, convulsive cough is a very frequent problem. The cough tires you during the day and does not let you sleep peacefully at night. In this situation the ideal solutions are not only medications found in a pharmacy. »
Effective methods to treat a wet, convulsive cough
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Effective methods to treat a wet, convulsive cough

 It is easy to catch the common cold in the autumn–winter period. The majority of infections of the upper respiratory tract proceed with a productive, convulsive cough. The wet cough should be treated as quickly as possible using medications and expectorants that dilute the secretions. »
Herbal syrups for a cough
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Herbal syrups for a cough

 When you suffer from a persistent, convulsive cough, you can use the healing power of nature for a remedy by using herbal syrups for a cough.

It is extremely important to start treating the cough by choosing a relevant medication and differentiate between treatment methods for a wet and dry cough.

If you suffer from a wet, so-called productive cough, along with expectorating the secretion lingering in the respiratory tract, try using herbal syrups for a cough which include ingredients such as:
common ivy,
liquorice root,

A chronic cough - what it can signify
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A chronic cough - what it can signify

 A cough is a natural defensive reflex of the organism developed as a result of irritation of receptors located in the respiratory tract, the ear or the brain.

If the cough accompanies a normal infection, both home remedies or over the counter medications from a pharmacy should deal with the problem.

On the other hand, when you suffer from a persistent cough for more than 8 weeks, it is extremely important what you are going to do next because chronic cough is usually a symptom of something else other than a classic, common cold in autumn.

How to relieve a persistent cough at night
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How to relieve a persistent cough at night

 When you suffer from a persistent cough during the common cold, have difficulties falling asleep and, instead of a peaceful sleep – you wake up at night because of intensive attacks of coughing, it is worth... »
What are the most common causes of a dry cough
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What are the most common causes of a dry cough

 A persistent, suffocating, dry cough lowers the mood during the day, does not let you fall asleep, and wakes you up at night. Without doubt, it can be a source of anxiety. You can use syrup or lozenges for a dry cough in order to temporarily alleviate this tiring problem. »
How to treat a dry, persistent, tiring cough
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How to treat a dry, persistent, tiring cough

 Most infections of the upper respiratory tract proceed with a cough. If an infection proceeds without increased productivity of secretion and your respiratory tracts are strongly irritated, you are suffering from a dry, tiring cough.
In order to effectively treat a persistent cough without secretion or mucus, use -cough medications containing butamirate. »
This information is provided for your reference only and it is not to be relied upon on its own as instructions for use of this medication. It is not a replacement for and should only be used in conjunction with full consultation with a licensed healthcare professional, the information provided by your pharmacist and the manufacturer of the medication. It may not contain all the available information you require and cannot substitute professional medical care, nor does it take into account all individual circumstances. Other than liability for death or personal injury arising out of our negligence, we shall not be held responsible or liable for any claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein, its contents or omissions, or otherwise.


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