Dry and wet coughs in infants and newborns
There are two basic types of cough accompanying the common cold:
a wet cough – namely productive.
Bronchitis in children and infants - symptoms and treatment
Effective treatment for bronchitis
Remember that effective treatment of bronchitis requires a lot of self-discipline in taking medications. Therefore:
Use medications according to the physician's recommendation
Do not shorten the course of treatment; do not stop using the prescribed antibiotic as soon as you feel better.
Effective methods for treating the common cold in children
Remember that an effective method of treating the common cold in children is firstly treating the symptoms of the infection by using the following medications:
anti-fever and painkilling medications. Syrups with paracetamol or ibuprofen may be given to an infant older than 3 months,
combined products for children containing paracetamol and vitamin C.
The common cold in infants
Remember that treating the common cold in infants consists, above all, of alleviating the symptoms of the infection. »
Acute bronchitis - common causes
Causes of acute bronchitis
The most common causes of bronchitis include:
viral infections (adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, the influenza and parainfluenza virus, the Coxsackievirus),
bacterial infection,
complications from the common cold or influenza which has not been fully treated (remember that even regular rhinitis combined with a wet cough may result in acute bronchitis).
Factors increasing the risk of acute bronchitis
There are also factors which increase the risk of falling ill with bronchitis. »
Chronic bronchitis - common causes and symptoms
A wet cough is not the only symptom of the disease. When you suffer from chronic bronchitis you may also feel weakness, difficulties in breathing and lethargy.