What is gastroenteritis

What is gastroenteritis

Małgorzata Kruk (MPharm)

 Gastroenteritis (stomach flu), also known as an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, is an unpleasant infection of the gastrointestinal tract. It is usually caused by rotaviruses which reproduce in the cells of the intestines' mucous membrane, damage them and lead to typical symptoms. Remember that it takes approx. 2 days from the moment of first infection to the emergence of the first symptoms. In this period, there are still no clear problems but it is extremely easy to spread the infection to another person.

The gastroenteritis virus spreads via the alimentary canal. Infected water, dirty fruit or vegetables may be the source of infection. You may get infected with rotaviruses also through droplet contact – sneezing, coughing and contact with secretions from a sick person significantly increase the risk of gastroenteritis.

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