What are the most frequent causes of pneumonia
Pneumonia is a very serious infection of the lower respiratory tract. In most cases where infection occurs outside of hospital, it is caused by bacteria (most often, pneumococcus – Staphylococcus pneumonia), less often by viruses ( influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviridae). Another frequent cause of pneumonia is untreated colds or flus, i. »
Watery, thick, green, yellow rhinitis - the course of rhinitis
Rhinitis is one of the first symptoms of an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Rhinitis, in the course of the common cold can change – it is sometimes watery or thick and yellow or green in colour. Do you know what is the most common course of rhinitis during a typical common cold?
As a result of a viral infection, the permeability of fine blood vessels of the nasal mucous membrane decreases.
»Lung diseases - are you in the risk group
An increasing number of people suffer from diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. It would seem that air pollution, as well as constant contact with allergens (which we have very little influence on) are the most frequent causes of lung diseases. In fact, there are many factors which predispose you to developing lung disease and many of these can be reduced or eliminated from your life to protect you from lung disease. »
Lozenges, drops, inhalations, plasters - effective treatments for rhinitis
When you catch rhinitis it is usually a sign that your body has a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is extremely important to treat rhinitis quickly and effectively. As a result, the infection will not develop and you will quickly recover. »
Home remedies for rhinitis
When you catch the common cold in autumn, you suffer from rhinitis and you cannot breathe freely. Besides medications from a pharmacy, you can also use proven home remedies which will help you fight this unpleasant trouble.. »
How to treat rhinitis during pregnancy
It is easy to get a cold during pregnancy, especially during an unpleasant autumn or winter. Rhinitis is often the first symptom of the common cold. You should not underestimate it, especially during pregnancy, because if left untreated it can lead to the development of other illnesses – sinusitis and even acute infections of the lower respiratory tract. »
What is rhinitis
Rhinitis, namely the common cold, is a frequent symptom of an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is caused by an inflammatory condition of the nasal mucous membrane attacked by viruses. As a result of the infection, the nasal mucous membrane swells, reducing the permeability of fine blood vessels. »
Treating allergic rhinitis
Rhinitis is very frequently a symptom of an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It may also mean an allergy, namely the body’s hypersensitivity reaction to an allergic factor (the allergen). Rhinitis accompanying an allergy is most often persistent and watery. »
Viral rhinitis, purulent rhinitis, sinus rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis - the most common types of rhinitis
It might seem that rhinitis is a harmless complaint which you can treat on your own using over the counter medications. However, before you use the proper medication for rhinitis you should learn what types of rhinitis there are in order to treat it quickly and effectively. Viral rhinitis, purulent rhinitis, sinus rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic rhinitis are the most common types of rhinitis. »
How to differentiate between allergic rhinitis and viral rhinitis
If you suffer from rhinitis, the cause is usually a banal viral infection of the upper respiratory tract which can happen to anyone in the autumn-winter period. However, when you have no other symptoms of the common cold apart from rhinitis (sore throat, cough, increased body temperature), ensure you know how to differentiate between allergic rhinitis and viral rhinitis before you administer the proper medication.
Allergic rhinitis is a hypersensitivity reaction to an allergenic factor (the allergen).
»This information is provided for your reference only and it is not to be relied upon on its own as instructions for use of this medication. It is not a replacement for and should only be used in conjunction with full consultation with a licensed healthcare professional, the information provided by your pharmacist and the manufacturer of the medication. It may not contain all the available information you require and cannot substitute professional medical care, nor does it take into account all individual circumstances. Other than liability for death or personal injury arising out of our negligence, we shall not be held responsible or liable for any claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein, its contents or omissions, or otherwise.