The common cold and influenza - how to recognize them
When you catch an infection of the upper respiratory tract, you feel unwell and typical symptoms such as rhinitis, sore throat, hoarseness or fever do not allow you to function normally. Learn how to differentiate between the common cold and influenza before you use medications. Although treating both infections is similar and consists, above all, of fighting uncomfortable complaints (the so-called treatment of symptoms), the important difference applies to the risk of complications which may be really serious in the case of influenza. »
Herbal remedies for the common cold
When you notice you have the initial symptoms of the common cold (rhinitis, sneezing, increased body temperature, sore throat, hoarseness, coughing, weakness), start treatment as soon as possible in order to effectively get rid of the unpleasant effects. The common cold, namely an infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by viruses, is treated in a symptomatic manner, i.e. »
The most common symptoms of the common cold
The common cold is a typical infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by viruses (usually rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, and adenoviruses), particularly in periods of reduced body immunity. The common cold is a frequent, common and harmless infection. However, it is worth knowing the typical symptoms in order to start proper treatment. »
What is the best medication for the common cold
When you catch the common cold, remember that the duration and intensity of the symptoms depend on how quickly you start treating the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. There are many medications for the common cold in pharmacies – lozenges, syrups or sachets for preparing warm drinks. Do you know what is the best medication to quickly help you fight the malady?
Combined products to alleviate the symptoms of the infection are especially recommended in treating the common cold.
»How to safely treat the common cold during pregnancy
When you catch the common cold, you usually want to overcome the unpleasant effects as soon as possible. If you are pregnant, you will additionally want the treatment to be not only effective and quick but, most importantly, safe for your baby. Do you know how to safely treat the common cold during pregnancy?
Combined products available over the counter in pharmacies are not recommended for you.
»Home remedies to treat the common cold, influenza and throat infections
It is not difficult to catch an infection in the autumn-winter period. Variable weather, a weakened immunity system and contact with sick people make us much more susceptible to infections of the upper respiratory tract in that period.
Both the common cold and influenza are caused by a viral attack on a weakened immune system.
»Ginger, honey and garlic - natural remedies for the common cold
When you catch the common cold, namely a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, you can use the medicinal power of nature, besides using medications from a pharmacy. Did you know that ginger, honey, and garlic are effective, natural remedies for the common cold which will allow you to quickly and effectively fight the infection?
Ginger – is known for its painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties. It is perfect for treating the common cold because it also has expectorant properties facilitating the expectoration of the secretion lingering in the bronchi. »
Ginger – is known for its painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties. It is perfect for treating the common cold because it also has expectorant properties facilitating the expectoration of the secretion lingering in the bronchi. »
Antibiotics for the common cold - should they be used
Many people with a common cold ask the physician to prescribe antibiotics. This is a mistake because antibiotics do not help treat the common cold and may lead to you body developing resistance to the antibiotics.
When you catch a common cold, you usually feel worse day after day, the symptoms of the infection (rhinitis, sore throat, fever, hoarseness, and conjunctivitis) become more and more intense and then you usually start wondering what medication to use in order to effectively fight the cold. »
When you catch a common cold, you usually feel worse day after day, the symptoms of the infection (rhinitis, sore throat, fever, hoarseness, and conjunctivitis) become more and more intense and then you usually start wondering what medication to use in order to effectively fight the cold. »
Laryngitis and pain of the larynx - causes and treatment
Laryngitis is a viral condition of the respiratory tract, affecting both children and adults. In the initial stage, it usually manifests itself with hoarseness, increased body temperature, a dry, “barking” cough, weakness and moodiness.
The most common causes of laryngitis and pain of the larynx include:
complications from a common cold which has not been fully treated,
viral attack,
voice exertion,
consuming cold food and beverages,
staying in rooms with dry air,
air pollution,
excessive consumption of alcohol,
smoking (also so-called passive smoking),
genetic conditions.
Methods to treat hoarseness and sore throat
A sore throat and accompanying hoarseness are usually caused by a viral infection which requires symptoms to be treated.
If you have a sore throat, try effective treatment methods, e.g.
»This information is provided for your reference only and it is not to be relied upon on its own as instructions for use of this medication. It is not a replacement for and should only be used in conjunction with full consultation with a licensed healthcare professional, the information provided by your pharmacist and the manufacturer of the medication. It may not contain all the available information you require and cannot substitute professional medical care, nor does it take into account all individual circumstances. Other than liability for death or personal injury arising out of our negligence, we shall not be held responsible or liable for any claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein, its contents or omissions, or otherwise.